Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Assignments -4- Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

  1. A Student Credit Card - Many people have a bad habit , that is "rob Peter to pay Paul". When people buy somthing they wanted without money, they will want to use credit card to pay . When they really need to pay the bill , most of the salaries are gone.
  2. A Healthy Lifestyle - we always love to eat somthing "junk food" ,delicious but not healthy. Then, we also always want to have a perfect shape like model. as the saying goes "You can't have your cake and eat it too "
  3. First Day of Class - This is a kind of listening test I feel difficult. Beacause we need to listen a paragarph with watching the question and find out the answer. So in this part, we need to focus our mind on this.

         The first time I knew this website is at the Toiec OK News. But I think the interface in not very clear.  Even though, I have used it sometimes I still miss some information. For example, when we complete the quizzes after listening,we can click quizz script and have another test of text completion.
          But, most of that is really a good website for learning English and that is my suggestion for Toeic test preparation.

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